Broward county gay bar field trip

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Broward County School Board member Sarah Leonardi posted pictures of what sounds like an annual field trip on social media, thanking the bar for.

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“My family and I often go to Rosie’s and our son thinks mac and cheese is magical “ one man She said, calling on critics to “get a life. A school board member in Florida is taking heat after she said she was SO honored to chaperone a group of elementary school students on a field trip to a gay bar. Some members of the community attempted to defend the board member, arguing that travel helps children earn a living skills, like how order food and pay the bill. The menu at Rosie’s Bar and Grill, which calls itself a local for those who I’m “LBGTQ + or an ally” and it was the “Best Gay Bar” of the South Florida Sun Sentinel of 2015 – features tale items such as “Ivana Hooker”, “Miley Highclub”, “Rhoda Cowboy” and “Young Ranch Hand”, however the children have been provided with a more child-friendly menu during the trip.

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Others called for the board member to be fired and even arrested, protesting, “How can you afford to take? children to a place like this?!”

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