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Kaitlin Hawayek and Jean-Luc BakerĪshley Cain-Gribble and Timothy LeDuc are also very much not dating. They have said this Olympics will be their last. Hubbell, 30, and Donohue, 31, are now both dating other ice dancers: Hubbell is engaged to Spanish ice dancer Adrian Diaz and Donohue is dating Australian ice dancer Chantelle Kerry. 'The more romantic ways no longer exist, but it’s something that goes kind of beyond an everyday expression of emotion or even a cognizant feeling.' 'We have this innate back-of-the-mind care for each other and love for each other that has grown in some ways,' Donohue adds. But the love made it so we couldn’t say goodbye.' 'A lot of people are like, 'Oh it’s so amazing that you guys broke up and you still skated together.' But it wasn’t a choice for us,' Hubbell told USA Today. The pair have been skating together since 2011, and started dating around the same time, but broke up after two and a half years. Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue did date, but they're no longer dating.

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